It’s happening this month, proposals are due on Monday, February 22nd, 2021 11:59pm ET, so we’ve put together a list of tutorials that may be helpful at this stage of your proposal preparation process.
Tutorial 27: Completing the Budget Justification Form
First step: download the Budget Justification form from DOE’s website, and now follow along as you work through this detailed, and important piece of your application. Be ready to identify, itemize, estimate, and justify costs, and provide supporting documents.
Tutorial 28: Help me understand Indirect Rates – I don’t get them!
This tutorial also begins with a download, Guidance for Indirect Rate Submission, may be found on the DOE website, as well as three helpful Excel files. The DOE asks the applicant to provide a model showing how you derived your indirect rate(s), and this tutorial walks you through putting together a model and the various ways to do this, referred to as the one-pool, two-pool, and three-pool structures.
Tutorial 29: Can you give me an overview of all of the forms? & Tutorial 34: How do I protect the proprietary information in my grant application?
Tutorial 29 is important as it provides a recap and checklist of all the forms you’ll need to submit to complete your application, and tips on where to find them. Taking the time to ensure that you have properly marked all proprietary information in your proposal is an important part of the proposal preparation and submission process. The Department of Energy wants to protect your proprietary information, and Tutorial 34 helps you sort out what constitutes appropriate marking, how to mark it, and who will see it.
While you might want a break after you click Sign and Submit Application,just spend a few more minutes looking ahead to your next opportunity. The FY2022 Phase I Release 1 topics are scheduled to be released on Monday, July 12, 2021, so don’t forget to visit the DOE SBIR website from time to time, and sign up for the DOE email mailing list for updates from the SBIR/STTR Programs Office, including when the topics come out!
Please look for more assistance in the coming weeks!
DOE’s Phase 0 Assistance Provider